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Photo JACKSCORNER Griesbeck Thomas
Photo JACKSCORNER Griesbeck Thomas


Ny-Ålesund city and mining museum, which is located in the old shop from 1917, was opened in 1989. The museum is unattended and is open 24/7

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The telegraph in Ny-Ålesund was a lifeline in the community, is now a cultural monument of high national importance. The telegraph is restored and shows traces from different eras.

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Today, the building is regularly used by the inhabitants in Ny-Ålesund during the summer months. On Saturdays as the local pub, on Thursdays as a café, and other days of the week for happenings like karaoke, band rehearsals, bingo, and quiz night. It is a social meeting point for everyone in Ny-Ålesund.

Posthuset LB 1

Post office

Built in the first mining period, probably around 1920.Has not always been a post office – the postal service function was moved around between different buildings. But when it was here in this building, it was usually a summer only service, based on the frequency of ships arriving in the harbour. But nowadays it is not in use

In the shop you can buy postcard and stamps.

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Velferden (the welfare) is an organization based on voluntary efforts. Velferden’s job is to arrange leisure activities, bar evenings on Saturdays, and to maintain the boats, survival suits, kayaks, and cabins. This is to the benefit for all visitors in Ny-Ålesund.

Climate & clothing

The summer can be cold, wet and windy. It is highly recommended to bring water-resistant outdoor clothes, as well as a woolen layer underneath. Other recommendations are mittens, hat, wool socks and good hiking/mountain shoes for walks and trips. If you are interested in indoor exercise, sauna or jacuzzi, workout clothes and swimming trunks are required. We also recommend bringing a few items of clothing you can use for social gatherings or Saturday dinners, when we put away our work clothes and just enjoy life on 79 degrees north.


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Kart getting around
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Vacant positions

Kings Bay AS serves an international community and all applicants must speak a Scandinavian language and have good knowledge of spoken English. If you do not speak a Scandinavian language, you do not need to apply.

Ny-Ålesund is an Arctic outpost, and there are no schools or kindergartens here. There is no room for traditional family life, but it is possible to have your family come visit on occasion.

Siden alle våre ansatte har tidsbegrensede engasjementer, er det relativt ofte ledige stillinger i Kings Bay. Vi annonserer på Finn og i Jobbnorge.

For å få jobb i Kings Bay AS må du beherske et skandinavisk språk og engelsk muntlig. De fleste stillinger krever også at du minimum har førerkort klasse B.

Ny-Ålesund er en arktisk forskningsstasjon uten fasiliteter for barn og familie, men med mulighet for besøk etter nærmere regler.


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In the shop you can buy shampoo, soap and other hygiene products


The shop has a wide selection of chocolate, snack and soft drinks


You will also find a selection of woolen clothes, T-shirts, hats, mittens, socks etc.


And of course some souvenirs and postcards

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