Welcome to ny-ålesund
Kings Bay AS
Ny-Ålesund is a centre for international Arctic scientific research and environmental monitoring. Kings Bay AS’ main task is to manage valuable natural and cultural environments and to be a facilitator for Ny-Ålesund Research Station.
We run the community, take care of our common cultural heritage and supply infrastructure services, but also offer other services that contribute to greater research coordination and collaboration.
Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
Use of wireless equipment, included Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are not allowed in Ny-Ålesund and 20 km in circumference. These functions search frequency and interfere with scientific instruments.
Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on ALL your devices. Included mobile phones, lap top, cameras,digital wrist watches etc.
Read more about the restrictions an possibilities for exceptions on the Ny-Ålesund Research Station site:

Land use plan
Kings Bay owns the Kongsfjorden Property (treaty property 38/1) and is responsible for the Ny‐Ålesund planning area under Section 48 of the Svalbard Environmental Protection Act.
The land-use plan for Ny-Ålesund 2024-2034 was adopted by the Governor of Svalbard on 30. April 2024, cf. Section 52 of the Svalbard Environmental Protection Act.
The purpose of the land use plan is to prepare an appropriate and updated legal management tool for development, use and protection of areas and buildings in the Ny-Ålesund planning area.
The land-use plan Ny-Ålesund 2024-2034 consist of:
· Plan map with purpose-defined use and protection, dated 30. April 2024 link to plan access
· Supplementary provisions and guidelines, dated 30. April 2024
· Plan description, dated 30. April 2024
· Background documents
Please note that the Norwegian version of the planning documents is legally binding in case of doubt. The English version of the planning documents will be published soon.

Transport and logistical service
All bookings and reservations to and from Ny-Ålesund are issued by Kings Bay, not Lufttransport.
History and cultural heritage protection
Ny-Ålesund has Svalbard’s largest collection of automatically protected cultural heritages that date to before 1946.

Regarding rental of firearms for protection against polar bears:
For further information about safety courses and/or renting weapons from Kings Bay, please contact the reception at: reception@kingsbay.no Phone: +47 79 02 72 00
Also see the Governor’s website for more information, or contact:
The Governor E-mail: vaapen@sysselmannen.no
Fra trepeler til stålfundament for Harland Cox-bygget
I Ny-Ålesund finnes det mange bevarte historiske bygninger, hovedsakelig fra 1912 og frem til 1960-tallet, som fortsatt er i full bruk. I de periodene mesteparten av bygningsmassen ble oppført, var trepeler en vanlig fundamenteringsmetode. På grunn av økt tining av...
Forvaltningsplan på plass for Ny-Ålesunds fredede bygg
Kings Bay AS sin forvaltningsplan for freda bygg er nå ferdigstilt. Ny-Ålesund er et av de 100 prioriterte kulturmiljøene på Svalbard, og Kings Bay AS har ansvar for å ivareta 27 automatisk freda bygninger, 11 verna bygninger og kulturmiljøet Ny-Ålesund i sin helhet....
Ny administrerende direktør
Styret i Kings Bay har ansatt Hege Walør Fagertun som ny adm. direktør i Kings Bay AS. Stillingen er et åremål på 3 år. Fagertun starter i stillingen i juni 2025 og etterfølger da adm. direktør Lars Ole Saugnes. Hege Walør Fagertun er i dag kommunedirektør i Salangen...