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Welcome to ny-ålesund

Kings Bay AS

Ny-Ålesund is a centre for international Arctic scientific research and environmental monitoring. Kings Bay AS’ main task is to manage valuable natural and cultural environments and to be a facilitator for Ny-Ålesund Research Station.

We run the community, take care of our common cultural heritage and supply infrastructure services, but also offer other services that contribute to greater research coordination and collaboration.

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Ny-Ålesund is a radio silent settlement.

Use of wireless equipment, included Wi-Fi and Bluetooth are not allowed in Ny-Ålesund and 20 km in circumference. These functions search frequency and interfere with scientific instruments.

Turn off Wi-Fi and Bluetooth on ALL your devices. Included mobile phones, lap top, cameras,digital wrist watches etc.

Turn on flight mode.

Read more about the restrictions an possibilities for exceptions on the Ny-Ålesund Research Station site:

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Land use plan

Kings Bay owns the Kongsfjorden Property (treaty property 38/1) and is responsible for the Ny‐Ålesund planning area under Section 48 of the Svalbard Environmental Protection Act.

The land-use plan for Ny-Ålesund 2024-2034 was adopted by the Governor of Svalbard on 30. April 2024, cf. Section 52 of the Svalbard Environmental Protection Act.
The purpose of the land use plan is to prepare an appropriate and updated legal management tool for development, use and protection of areas and buildings in the Ny-Ålesund planning area.

Arealplan NyA 1

 The land-use plan Ny-Ålesund 2024-2034 consist of:

·      Plan map with purpose-defined use and protection, dated 30. April 2024 link to plan access

·      Supplementary provisions and guidelines, dated 30. April 2024

·      Plan description, dated 30. April 2024

·      Background documents

Please note that the Norwegian version of the planning documents is legally binding in case of doubt. The English version of the planning documents will be published soon.

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Transport and logistical service

All bookings and reservations to and from Ny-Ålesund are issued by Kings Bay, not Lufttransport.

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Research facilities



Local Community

Daily life in Ny-Ålesund

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History and cultural heritage protection

Ny-Ålesund has Svalbard’s largest collection of automatically protected cultural heritages that date to before 1946.

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Community Operation

All the buildings and community services are operated by Kings Bay.

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Accommodation, meals and shop

In Ny-Ålesund there is one shop and several rooms are rented out to researchers, consultants and visitors.

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Regarding rental of firearms for protection against polar bears:

For further information about safety courses and/or renting weapons from Kings Bay, please contact the reception at:  Phone: +47 79 02 72 00

Also see the Governor’s website for more information, or contact:
The Governor E-mail:

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Daily Life in Ny-Ålesund

Moving Kongsfjordbutikken

Onsdag 29. mars ble Kongsfjordbutikken, et bygg med to etasjer på over 100 tonn, skjøvet til siden med håndmakt. På grunn av råte i de eksisterende pelefundamentene, har Kongsfjordbutikken blitt flyttet til siden over på et midlertidig fundament. Her vil det bli...

Sesongarbeidere sommeren 2023

Ansettelse av sesongarbeidere sommeren 2023 er i full gang. Også denne sommeren har Kings Bay behov for ekstra hjelp på flere avdelinger, ved søknadsfristens utløp hadde vi mottatt i underkant av 300 søknader. Det jobbes for tiden med å lese søknader og å intervjue...

Unmanned Surface Vehicle

The Mariner Unmanned Surface Vehicle (USV) is a multipurpose unmanned vehicle for offshore and coastal applications, with proven performance in offshore operations.


These days, the exterior work is being completed. The museum cabin appears as it was in the past.

Norway’s minister for climate and enviroment Sveinung Rotevatn

Norway’s Minister for climate and environment, Sveinung Rotevatn, visited Ny-Ålesund from the 28th to the 29th of June to officially open the renovated Service Building.