Terms and conditions

Changes and extra work
Individual bookings: No charges apply for changes made prior to 22 days of arrival. Any changes made less than 22 days prior to, or after arrival, is assessed a charge of 250 NOK per change. In case of significant changes, Kings Bay will charge per hour of work to facilitate the changes. Kings Bay will inform the customer about the cost before making the changes.
Individual booking
– In case of cancellation more than 22 days prior to arrival, no charges apply.
– In case of cancellation 21-8 days prior to arrival, the customer will be charged 50% of planned stay, travel, and booked equipment and facilities.
– In case of cancellation within 7 days prior to arrival, the customer will be charged 100% of planned stay, travel, and booked equipment and facilities.
Groups (6 people or more)
– In case of cancellation more than 120 days prior to arrival, no charges apply.
– In case of cancellation 120–60 days prior to arrival, 50% charge of planned stay, travel, and booked equipment and facilities.
– In case of cancellation within 60 days prior to arrival, 100% charge of the planned stay, travel, and booked equipment and facilities.
Special terms for groups
– A list of names and room designations for all participants must be sent to Kings Bay at least 60 days prior to arrival. Any allergies/special dietary needs participants may have must be included in the list.
– If the group requires individual invoicing, a fee of 350 NOK will be added to each invoice.
Changes and extra work
Groups: No charge if changes are made prior to 60 days before arrival. If changes occur less than 60 days prior to arrival, a charge of 500 NOK per change apply. In case of significant changes, Kings Bay will charge per hour of work to facilitate the changes. Kings Bay will inform the customer about the cost before making the changes.
Chemical and Gas Orders
All chemicals and gases will be shipped by boat. Boat shipments arrive approximately every 8–10 weeks. Therefore, please plan accordingly and place orders early. Kings Bay cannot guarantee that chemicals will arrive on time and is not held responsible for items lost or delayed during shipment. The research project will still be invoiced for chemical- and gas orders placed. Please be aware, that gas bottles will be subject to a daily rent. Due to safety reasons, chemicals will be stored in Kings Bay chemical storage free of charge for the duration of the project. Disposal of the chemicals or exctended storage needs to be arranged with the Kings Bay lab manager before the end of your stay. Disposal of chemicals and gases are invoiced according to your given information in RiS.
Scientists are billed by day (24 hours) and per person for use of the Marine Lab and Veksthuset Lab. The dates in the RiS booking will act as a reference for the billing information. If the day use during the work period deviates from the RiS booking, this should be clarified with the Lab Manager prior to departure.
If researchers wish to delay the start of their lab usage, general terms and conditions apply. The end date is flexible and can be changed by a maximum of +/- 3 days with an administrative fee of 750 NOK prior off notice. Lab time extensions will depend on the schedule and the Lab Manager’s decision. It is the responsibility of the researcher to clarify dates and billing information with the Lab Manager prior to departure, especially when the usage deviates from the RiS booking.
In case a laboratory is not cleaned sufficiently at the end of the stay, the minimum cleaning fee will be four Kings Bay staff hours.
The User Agreement is part of the HSE work and quality assurance for all work done in the Marine Laboratory and Veksthuset.
Please familiarize yourself with the relevant documents before working in our labs:
00 Kings Bay user agreement main document (PDF)
01 General introduction to your stay and safety rules in the Kings Bay Laboratories (PDF)
02 Working with hazardous substances guidelines and regulations for the work with chemicals, gases, and radioactive isotopes (PDF)
03 Temperature rooms and water tank rooms guidelines and regulations (PDF)
04 Isotope lab user guide (PDF)
05a Guidelines for management of waste and hazardous waste in Ny-Ålesund (PDF)
05b Form for chemical waste for researchers (.xls)
06 Cleaning procedures non-pandemic (PDF)
07 Emergency contacts (PDF)
08 Standard operating procedure and risk assessment (PDF)
09 Template risk assessment (.xls)
10 Template standard operating procedure (.doc)
11 KB Dive locker (PDF)
Work on MS Teisten begins when the Captain begins to prepare for the trip and ends when the equipment is fully unloaded, and the researchers have left the boat. Half hours are charged as full hours. The captain’s log of actual use is the basis for billing, not the RiS booking. Bookings made in RiS are subject to change due to inclement weather. In the case of schedule changes all parties will be coordinated and appropriately rescheduled by the Departmental Engineer and the Captain. Requests in the RiS booking should be as specific as possible with respect to dates and times of use. Please plan your work ahead of time so that your estimate of time usage is as accurate as possible. Kings Bay AS recognizes that work may proceed more quickly or slowly due to weather conditions and equipment functionality, and is therefore more flexible with respect to cancellations. Cancellations of up to 12 hours of usage will not be charged. Any cancellations above the 12 hour limit will be charged at 50%.
When the customer receives the booking confirmation from Kings Bay it is considered accepted by both parties, unless the customer immediately sends Kings Bay a written notification about errors in the reservation.
In case the provided invoice information is missing/wrong, a fee of NOK 750 for correcting/change will be added.
A fee of 350 NOK will be added on each reminder on invoices not paid by due date.
Bookings made through RiS must be cancelled through RiS. Cancellations are not valid until this has been done. Only cancellations made in writing are valid.
In case of flight delays or cancellations due to force majeure (bad weather, unforeseen safety measures etc.) the customer is not entitled to any compensation from Kings Bay or Lufttransport. In case of bad weather or other force majeure the planned flight must be paid by the customer even if the customer decides to travel with an alternative form of transport. Kings Bay encourages its customers to have travel insurance.